Seven21 Media Center welcomes Catskill Digital to the building. Owner Zac Shaw originally worked at the media center about five years ago and was drawn back to the collaborative, creative space for its studio space and voiceover booth capabilities. Zac is a digital marketing guru and entrepreneur. After working for Evolving Media for several years, he decided to do freelance digital marketing for local businesses in Kingston out of his home. Shaw soon outgrew his space at home and considered expanding his business further. He knew he wanted to branch out into the social media field and felt that Seven21 was the ideal location to start his new business.
In 2009, Zac worked in the Seven21 Media Center’s green screen studio with Ellenbogen Creative Media to create a video entry for the Ford Fiesta Movement contest, which he and his production team won. By winning the contest, Ford provided Zac with a new Fiesta and unlimited gas to drive around in for six months with the promise to make new videos designed for social media. Not only was this Zac’s first major social media marketing campaign, but this was also one of the largest social media marketing campaigns at the time. Zac credits the production value of Ellenbgoen for the success of this capain and notes his positive experience with Seven21 and Ellenbogen influenced his commitment to the center several years later.
The Ellenbogen Group is excited to have a digital marketing company in the building. “We have already started working with Zac on our social media tactics and online presence,†Jeremy Ellenbogen, President and CEO explained. “Zac is a great asset not only to the companies within our building, but other local companies as well. We can all benefit from his expertise in digital marketing.†Zac is excited to grow his business at the media center. “I want to continue working with the companies I’ve established relationships with, but help other companies as well,†he explains.
Along with integrated digital marketing, Zac Shaw can also help businesses with web design, graphic design, troubleshooting websites, and developing effective SEO to optimize websites on search engines. Digital marketing can help build and manage a small business. It can also add value to video marketing and other integrated marketing strategies that primarily focus on content and community engagement. Zac encourages all small businesses to use digital marketing because it helps companies “remain visible while remaining authentic.†Visit for more information!